A Student? Know How to Save Your Precious Cash

A run-down of some of the most efficient approaches through which you can save some of your priceless pounds

If you are a student then no wonder you might be having a fine wine taste on a cheap beer budget!! Well, most of the college students don’t have millions of dollars to flow away and obviously, there is no shame on that. It’s because neither they nor you have started earning your own money yet, it’s just that you are making yourself ready to achieve that goal.

 So, during this period of your life, you need to take the monetary chapter of your life too cautiously and smartly both. Remember, the key to getting a financial success is always being aware of how you are spending your bucks. The word ‘SAVING’ should be no less than a friend for you! 

 Further, to throw some light on this fact, here I am with a run-down of some of the most efficient approaches through which you can save some of your priceless pounds:

 Let’s start!!

 1. Have an idea about latest discounts

 Whether you are living in London or Greenwich, if you are a student then don’t forget to keep an eye on the recent deals and offers from the leading stores of those places. Well, the process of grabbing the latest discounts is not even a tough one rather. Right? Especially, when you have the voucher sites like Dealslands where you can find all the lucrative discount offers, then there is nothing to worry about!

 2. Enjoy watching TV..legally of course!

 As per the instructions of BBC, you certainly don’t have to spend over TV license if you want to watch on-demand TV over the internet. Instead, you can buy a cable to connect your laptop to your television. And, trust me, that is quite a lot of absolutely FREE and excellent quality watching without spending even a single pound. But, if you already possess a license then you can make sure that you are claiming one-quarter back for the semester breaks when probably you’ll not be in your apartment or hostel.

 3. Turn your shopping destination to your workplace

 Suppose, you usually love shopping for all your essentials from Debenhams then why don’t you think of getting a part-time job over there? Yes! Staff discounts are hefty enough! You can get up to 25% off, exclusive festival discounts, special vouchers and even half-off on your purchases. Also, it will be an earning for you apart from your academics. So, it is just a win-win and nothing less than that for any student!

4. Go for the e-books

 Yes! You certainly don’t have to buy every single textbook for management or mathematics or whatever during your semesters. Sometimes you can find some of the best and useful books as e-books in various online forums. So, make sure that you browse through Google once while searching for your desired book before you decide to buy one. If fortunately, by any chance, you get an e-book then you don’t have to spend your money to purchase a hard-copy simply.

5. Drink at your home

 Certainly, there is no doubt in the fact that the local student-friendly bars in the town can sometimes be too expensive for you! So, if you go out to them very frequently and end up spending some huge money then instead of doing that why don’t you think of playing drinking games at home? Yes! To have such a perfect time with your housemates will be relaxing and frugal at the same time.

Just imagine how much a shot in the local pub cost and how much a whole bottle from the off-license at the corner will cost!

Just be smart enough, follow these potential tips and I am sure you will be able to sit tight with a remarkable amount of money at the end of every month! 

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