The time is now for edtech in the classroom

How can the schools of 2017/18 be using technology to help improve teaching and learning?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach for technology and without a standardised requirement for edtech in schools, the age and variety of equipment varies. The array of technology available is vast, however it doesn’t matter what edtech a school has in place, it’s how it is being used to improve teaching and learning that is important.

So how can the schools of 2017/18 be using technology to help improve teaching and learning?

Virtual Reality (VR)

Combining VR in education with traditional classroom methods of teaching is a great way for schools to introduce new technology to enhance the learning experience for students. For example, if a teacher is giving a lesson on the Great Wall of China, what better way than bringing it to life for students than with a VR headset? While the technology is so new that exact learning outcomes are yet to be proven, it would be hard to believe that such a memorable experience wouldn’t resonate with students in the long-term.


Literacy and SPaG are often talked about, mainly voiced with concern that students aren’t performing in these areas as well as they should be. One thought is that schools could support students in improving English Language by encouraging them to get involved with a class blog. What could be better for them than writing about something they are passionate about? By writing for the school it should motivate them to truly put what they have been taught, into practice.

Practicing What You Preach

While there is a lot of emphasis on students adopting technology in the classroom, schools should be encouraging teaching staff to be involved where they can too. For example, using lesson planning software as standard, means that teachers are leading the class with the use of technology. Multi-functioning software such as Promethean’s ClassFlow, means that teachers can plan and deliver their lessons at the touch of a button. Students can then use the software as part of the lesson for individual or collaborative team working, and even continue their learning outside of the classroom; simply by logging-in.

Personalising Learning

All students learn differently, we know this, fortunately educators can now use technology to personalise learning right down to individual students. Schools understand there are a good variety of different software options available, which enable them to do this. At Promethean we take pride in how our ClassFlow software enables teachers to monitor, in real-time, how well individual students in a class are understanding a topic, concept or learning outcome. This helps to personalise learning by giving teachers the knowledge needed to provide additional support to individual students, whether in the form of reviewing, revisiting or even extending learning. The software allows teachers to quickly create mini quizzes and activities which can be delivered ad hoc, to monitor how well students are grasping an area of learning at any point in the lesson. The upshot is that schools have better results and students are less likely to become disengaged simply because they don’t understand.

Making Learning Fun!

Sometimes we can get weighed down in the ins and outs of education technology and its plus and minus points, this can lead us to forget the simplicity of – if lessons are fun, students are going to be more motivated to learn. For the most part, technology can make lessons really fun! Software can transport students to other worlds, and enable them to look up any topic at the swipe of a finger. It encourages and enhances collaborative working, building the foundations for the world of work and beyond. Educators can use technology to bring life just about any topic and make it more engaging for students, which ultimately should improve results.

Read our handy guide for more information on using EdTech in the classroom, Using ClassFlow to improve results in school.

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