‘Cybersecurity should be better marketed to girls’

More women should consider a career in cyber according to a master’s student currently on placement with C318 Solutions in Dorset

Student Hannah Baverstock wants more girls to consider cybersecurity as a serious career option in an industry where females are underrepresented, and jobs are plentiful.

“Probably about 10 per cent of those on my course are female. But computer science and information security are things that should appeal to more women,” according to Hannah.

Hannah’s own interested stemmed from playing the computer game Watch Dogs that includes hackers fighting over operating systems.

From Broadstone, Dorset, Hannah is currently undertaking work experience at C3IA Solutions, an IT security company based in Poole, before starting the final year of her integrated GCHQ accredited master’s degree at Royal Holloway University.

Hannah said: “Things are starting to change, but there is still a long way to go. Before embarking on my degree, I went on an introductory CyberFirst course.

“These are run by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and are designed to inspire and encourage young people from all backgrounds.

“I was always interested in computing and built my own computer when I was young, but you don’t have to be particularly tech-savvy to make a career in cyber.

“It is a wide industry that is growing all the time and there are well paid jobs available.”

Jim Hawkins, delivery and security director at C3IA Solutions, said: “We have long been aware that the industry is male dominated and we want to actively encourage more women into it.

“The reasons why it’s so male dominated are many and complex, but the sector is worth more than £5 billion to the economy annually and it ought to better reflect the make-up of society.

“Recruitment is an issue across cyber security so if those at school are looking for a career, then cyber is certainly one to consider.”

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