87% of 1,294 students surveyed said that they use apps to help them study. Of the majority, the primary reason for using apps was to remember deadlines as that reduces stress dramatically and allows them to plan work accordingly.
One student, who is studying a Master’s Degree at the University of Manchester, believes they owe their success so far at university to an app named Todoist. The student stated that they were only able to achieve success, a 1:1, in their first degree because of it. Todoist is an app that allows users to create to-do and task lists with deadlines and access them on any device.
Dr David Parker, a lecturer of Computer Science at the University of Hull, believes that “mobiles can’t be labelled ‘tool’ or ‘toy’ for many of our students. They are both those things and so much more, a technological linchpin impacting on all aspects of their lives. It is a completely natural progression for mobiles to be an integral part of their education.”
In addition, David went on to say: “For some it is a generational issue but, like it or not, embracing the mobile computing future is likely to become a necessity for everyone.”
With 94% of the UK adult population owning mobile phones, Kit Out My Office, a supplier of desks for homes and offices, undertook the survey to understand how students study in a world dominated by mobile phones.
The biggest causes for feeling stressed whilst at university:
1. The amount of work and looming deadlines (49% of respondents)
2. Supplementing finances with part-time work (27%)
3. Being away from family and friends (11%)
The top apps that help students alleviate the stress:
A task and to-do list tool with the ability to set deadlines and create projects, which is perfect for a student that wants to stay on top of multiple classes and deadlines.
Dropbox allows you to store and access your documents from anywhere, reducing the fear of losing your work or forgetting to bring it to hand in.
Student Chef holds delicious recipes that are cheap, quick and easy to make so students do not have to worry as much about money.