Fareham College wins Apprentice Initiative Award

The College’s Civil Engineering Training Centre (CETC) was honoured at annual awards dinner at the Royal Lancaster in London

CETC is a partnership between Fareham College and Solent Civil Engineering Employers Group (SCEEG).

It is a simulated construction site that has been designed to give civil engineering apprentices a realistic training environment to get them site-ready. SCEEG provides governance to the apprenticeship programme and comprises employer members, associate members such as CECA, suppliers and construction companies outside of civil engineering such as Taylor Wimpey. 

Day-to-day, the centre is managed by a site manager and training delivered by experienced civil engineering operatives.

The Civil and Engineering Training Centre (CETC) is an exemplary model of an employer-led apprenticeship programme that is designed to meet skills shortages and productivity issues – Darren Birch, Head Judge 

The project supports the development of the existing workforce in a practical way that is not only cost and time efficient, but also re-engages the workforce with skills that are of value to both the individual and the employer. CETC has attracted national attention and government interest as an exemplary apprenticeship programme.

Due to the programme’s success, proposals for a new £4.1m ‘CETC 2’ campus have been awarded preliminary funding of £2.8m from Fareham College and the Solent LEP for an estimated Autumn 2019 completion.

Darren Birch, Regional Framework Manager, BAM Construct Ltd and head judge said: “The Apprenticeship Initiative category, seeks forward-thinking employers that actively and innovatively develop a sustainable workforce by equipping young people with skills, knowledge and confidence. The Civil and Engineering Training Centre (CETC) is an exemplary model of an employer-led apprenticeship programme that is designed to meet skills shortages and productivity issues.”

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