Hot off the press, the latest issue of B4E includes news, views and features from the education construction sector.
Features include:
- Vital signs: the latest developments in educational signage and wayfinding
- Interview with Sweett Group on challenges facing university estates
- The changing face of landscape design for schools
- Making classrooms out of log buildings
- Getting savvy with space: latest developments in school refurbishments
- Case study: £34m Gateway to the Valleys school
- Saving energy through HVAC maintenance
- Securing funding for play equipment
- Case study: how UK’s first Passivhaus school achieved carbon neutrality
- Preview of Education Facilities Forum
Clickhere to read the latest edition for free.
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Building 4 Education has a readership of some 13,000 and reaches more than 7,000 key decision makers in the education construction sector every month including major contractors, architects, Estate and Finance directors and LEA Directors.
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