The guide is aimed at head teachers, governors and academics who are puzzled by last month’s consultation document from the Department of Education which provided statutory guidance for schools and colleges entitled ‘Keeping children safe in education – 22 December 2015’.
The guide has been authored by Dr Brian Bandey, one of the leading experts on Information Technology Law, whose experience spans more than 30 years. “Law makers rarely look to design a structured and cohesive set of laws that interlink. The common law naturally evolves to reflect changing circumstances, risks, hazards and the new avenues for one person to harm another,” explains Bandey.
Now educators must look to the school, academy or college IT infrastructure as an avenue through which the discharge of their legal e-obligations may be overthrown by the dark-side of the internet
“Education Law is now the law of higgledy-piggledy. It has been built so by heaping one statute upon another, such as codifying Safeguarding to include e-Safeguarding,” adds Bandey. “By adding new positive statutory obligations on the subject of Anti-Radicalisation, the law-makers have added a new tier of e-Safety obligations. Now educators must look to the school, academy or college IT infrastructure as an avenue through which the discharge of their legal e-obligations may be overthrown by the dark-side of the internet.”
CensorNet helps schools and colleges adhere to changing education law by visualising, controlling and protecting internet activity and the use of cloud applications across all devices. CensorNet Secure Web Gateway with Cloud Application Control is an advanced web and content filtering solution, providing educational establishments with full real-time visibility and control of all aspects of web access and cloud application use.
“As e-Safeguarding Law continues to shift, we enable educational establishments to provide safe internet access for all their students and staff, whilst demonstrating that they have taken reasonable and effective measures to control student access to the internet,” comments Ed Macnair, CEO of CensorNet. “Our solution also has the unique ability to search pupils’ social media content for warning signs of cyber bullying or radicalisation.”