DfE praises careers tech platform

The Department for Education (DfE) has praised a new platform giving schools the tools to design their own careers websites in minutes

The website successatschool.org has carved out a unique space in the careers market by developing a free online platform that enables schools to sign up for their own individual careers intranets. These secure micro sites can be set up almost instantly, personalised by schools and used to track their students’ progress.

Clare Jones, careers guidance policy advisor for the DfE wrote:“It is clear that successatschool.org supports the aims set out in the [government’s] statutory guidance. The ability for schools to personalise the site, upload student users securely and add bespoke content seamlessly is a useful aspect. The subject guides, career zones and interviews with a range of inspiring people are informative tools. They encourage students to recognise their core skills and build a skills passport that can track the development of employability skills such as leadership, communication and teamwork”.

Mitesh Bhimjiyani, founder of Success at School said: “Not all schools have the same level of access to quality independent careers advice or the time to reach out to employers and this was highlighted in the National Careers Council’s second report on 10th September. We have developed a simple usable technology that could help schools meet their statutory Ofsted careers requirements, connect with employers and encourage students to develop their employability skills.

“Schools that sign up to our platform can be up and running in minutes, and their students will benefit from our content throughout their school careers. We are pleased that the work we do continues to align with the Government’s Inspiration Vision and policies.”