Digital SATs Prep from Discovery Education Espresso

Discovery Education have released a digital learning service to help pupils revise for their SATs exams

Primary schools across the UK have been using an award-winning digital learning service to get pupils ready for recent SATs tests.

Discovery Education Espresso is helping thousands of teachers by providing dynamic online resources which keep children engaged and make revision fun.

Maintaining a love of learning can be a challenge as assessments approach, but the appeal of technology keeps lessons exciting, igniting pupil interest and boosting attainment.

One of the schools using Espresso this week is Grangehurst Primary School in Coventry. The digital learning service is integral to the school’s SATs preparation, as Assistant Headteacher Gemma Clarke explains:

“Interactive digital content really engages pupils at a time when they might be inclined to switch off. Discovery Education Espresso’s grammar and punctuation modules videos cover all of the SATs subject areas, offering simple step-by-step explanations tailored to each paper. The lively activities help us to inject fun into revision and bring lessons back to life.”

Discovery Education Espresso’s curriculum-matched resources give teachers the confidence that pupils are fully prepared – while maintaining their love of learning.

With over 23,000 multi-media resources including practice questions, videos and activities, the Discovery Education Espresso platform provides schools with everything they need to get ready for the assessments. It also gives teachers much needed support, equipping them with the tools and expert insight to approach the tests with confidence.

Catherine Howard, Director of Educational Partnerships at Discovery Education said:

“Preparing for SATs can be a stressful time for schools. Discovery Education Espresso’s curriculum-matched resources give teachers the confidence that pupils are fully prepared – while maintaining their love of learning.”

Assistant Headteacher Gemma Clarke continues:

“We could never have fully anticipated the impact which Espresso would have in our school. Our pupils are really switched on to learning, and teachers feel fully supported in their pre-SATs journey. I can’t imagine two more vital ingredients for success.”

Primary schools can request a free trial of Discovery Education Espresso at: