E-learning boosts chances of promotion, research suggests

FutureLearn, a provider of online courses, has indicated that online courses may increase promotion chances

FutureLearn, the online social learning platform owned by The Open University, has today published new research revealing that employees’ chances of promotion and securing a new role are enhanced by taking an online course.

Nearly three quarters (73%) of employers said they thought online courses were either very valuable (33%) or valuable (40%) when considering the promotion of an existing employee. Professional development through online learning also carried favour among employers when hiring. Online learning was a ‘differentiating factor’ when assessing candidates with similar qualifications or experience for a new role. This was especially true for those in mid-management (73%) and junior/entry level roles (71%). It was less decisive in more senior roles, but still more than half of employers (61%) said it could be a differentiating factor at director level.

The research, which surveyed 600 employers performing either recruitment or learning and development roles within an organisation in three territories (UK, US, Australia), found a correlation between the value attributed to online learning and an increase in uptake of online courses among employees within organisations. An overwhelming 92% of employers said they found online courses very valuable (51%) or valuable (41%), which could help explain why 91% of employers (87% in the UK; 98% in the US) said they had seen the amount of online learning increase in their organisation year-on-year.

Nearly three quarters (73%) of employers said they thought online courses were either very valuable (33%) or valuable (40%)

Once thought of as the poor relation to face-to-face training, a mix of online and offline training was deemed the best way to keep pace with industry changes by nearly two thirds of employers (65%).

There were also interesting correlations between the amount of time and money employers were willing to invest in online training. Four-fifths of employers (80%) said they were willing to provide funding for online courses that staff take at their own initiative. Employers were also happy for nearly 10 hours of work time to be devoted to online learning every month (9.6 hours on average). Most online learning was self-directed (60%), though a significant 32% of respondents said it was half mandated, half self-directed.

Stephen Somerville, Managing Director, Government and Employer Partnerships, FutureLearn, said:“If we don’t actively encourage upskilling we risk sleepwalking into an era of almost unprecedented technological change. Online learning provides a platform that allows upskilling at scale and can be rolled out company-wide.”