emlyon business school launches venture focused on AI in management

The France-based institution hopes the AIM Institute will “help business leaders navigate through these turbulent times”

emlyon business school has launched the Artificial Intelligence in Management (AIM) Institute, in a bid to understand the opportunities and implications of artificial intelligence (AI) in management.

Renaud Champion, AIM Executive Director, said: “AI is already changing the way we live and work. It’s having a profound effect on every area of business, from work and human resources to governance and business models. The AIM Institute will explore what impact AI is having and produce a rich seam of knowledge and applied solutions – on an unprecedented scale – to help business leaders navigate through these turbulent times.”

The AIM Institute has three priorities:

1. Research

The AIM Research Center for Work and Organization will examine the implications of AI for work, labor markets, and organisational design and governance.

Professor Ruthanne Huising, AIM Research Director, said: “There are many predictions about how AI will change the way we work and organise, but relatively few empirical studies. The goal of the AIM Research Center is to support grounded, empirical studies of the way technology is changing, what it means to work, and the way work is organised, done, and rewarded.”

The AIM Research Center on AI in Value Creation will look at how AI is affecting value creation and fostering the emergence of new business models.

Professor Margherita Pagani, AIM Research Director, said: “Researchers want to analyse the impact of AI on a broad range of business and management subjects and offer guidance to organisations on how to use AI for sustainable value creation.”

The AIM Institute will explore what impact AI is having and produce a rich seam of knowledge and applied solutions. Renaud Champion, AIM Executive Director

2. Innovation

The process of turning research into practical solutions and applications for teaching, learning and business. The institute, working with emlyon business school, will build on its research work to develop training modules and qualifications to be embedded in the school’s curriculum.

The institute will also systematically explore ways to transfer the fruits of its research to the world of business.

3. Dissemination

AIM Institute will share the results of its research with three target audiences:

– emlyon business school students, so they are ready to embrace AI in their future roles as business leaders

– the general public, to educate them about what AI really entails, and to dispel inaccurate and sometimes alarming myths and untruths

– local, national and international institutions, to provide technical and ethical guidance that will help to frame public debate