Welcome to the first monthly issue of Education Technology. In this edition we focus on cloud computing, and how it impacts various aspects of the education sector. Our roundtable on page 35 gives a great overview of this issue, and asks a panel of experts how cloud computing has changed the education landscape, from data storage and security, to pedagogical approaches and the growth of the smart campus.
This issue is also the launch of our redesign, and brings with it some new features. Page 50 is home to our timeline of cloud computing in education, and a profile of Sarah Horrocks, the Director of London CLC, is on page 53.
We get into the nitty-gritty of some of these subjects in our features, such as our look into data storage on page 47, where we ask what the prevalent issues are, and what the experts views are on post-GDPR security.
Our lead feature on page 28 looks into how inevitable the complete move to the cloud is for education institutions, and how they can prepare their infrastructure for the changes that will result.
Bringing tech such as cloud computing into schools and universities is all well and good, but teachers need to be confident in applying it to ensure that the most is gained in terms of educational benefits to students, and in aiding teachers to focus on teaching. Our feature on page 41 looks into how cloud computing fits in to CPD, and how tech companies can help onboard their products effectively in classrooms.
We’re also bringing you all the latest news from across the education sector, including international updates – see page 14 for our extended international news – and opinion pieces from edtech specialists, such as James Clay from Jisc, who on page 26 discusses how the move from a ‘smart’ to ‘intelligent’ campus is the next step for HE.
All this, and lots more inside the mag!
If you have any thoughts on this edition of ET, or anything you’d like to see in future issues, please drop me a line at
Charley Rogers
Education Technology