With more than 300 participants from 35 countries representing Ministries of Education, schools, teacher training organizations, universities, major technology companies and the wider education community, EMINENT 2017 will bring key actors from across Europe to discuss what matters when it comes to learning space, time and eco-systems.
Today learners need different personal, social and professional competences compared to those delivered by education in the past. Experiential learning environments with skilled teachers, an inspiring learning space, effective time organization, and links with the wider community, are crucial to developing these 21st century competences. EMINENT 2017 will discuss this new global learning ecosystem, which is increasingly dynamic, diversified and collaborative.
Some of the key questions which participants will tackle during European Schoolnet’s flagship annual conference, include:
- What should the future classroom look like?
- How can space, time and technology be effective learning agents?
- Which competences do teachers need to provide a relevant learning experience for their students, fit for the 21st century?
Participants will be able to get hands-on experience of European Schoolnet’s Future Classroom Lab in our conference Exploration Area, which will showcase innovative technology-based learning solutions provided by our industry partners. European Schoolnet’s Future Classroom Lab has inspired a network of labs to grow across Europe and beyond. We will connect live with learning labs in Austria, Estonia, Norway and Spain, where students will guide us through the exciting types of digital and collaborative learning they get up to in these inspiring spaces.
While celebrating 20 years of transforming education in Europe, EMINENT 2017 will also look forward by launching its vision for the future as well as its first edition of the Open Book of Educational Innovation – a collection of initiatives and organisations at the core of educational transformation in school education across Europe.