The frameworks come at a time when the new National Curriculum demands higher expectations for every child. Schools are now expected to stretch and challenge those children whose attainment is above the expected standard.
Rising Stars’ ‘Progression Frameworks for Teaching the More Able’ have been created to help schools to identify those children exceeding expectations, in order to ensure that they continue to make progress. Clear ‘What to look for’ statements enable schools to track pupil attainment, as well as plan enriched learning experiences to deepen the children’s understanding.
Andrea Carr, Managing Director of Rising Stars, said: “It’s important to ensure that all students are encouraged, but we also need to identify and nourish the more able students, too. It’s all too easy for publishers to focus on the mainstream.
“However the more able children are the future pioneers, inventors and leaders of the future. By offering the Framework free of charge to schools, we hope to support them in their provision for the more able, ensuring they can assist those children in continuing to make progress beyond all expectations.”
The Progression Frameworks are now available FREE to download at: