Henley Business School and the University of Reading are set to launch an innovative digital leadership MOOC (massive open online course), starting on the FutureLearn platform in February.
The four-week ‘Digital leadership: Creating value through technology’ course is free to join, aimed at top and middle management in any industry, and will help participants to gain confidence in digital leadership and create value through technology.
Created on the back of collaborative research funded by the European Commission, Dr Maksim Belitski (Lecturer in Entrepreneurship) and Dr Weizi (Vicky) Li (Lecturer in Business Informatics) developed the MOOC with support from other colleagues within Henley.
Representatives from both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations and management ranging from CEOs to those involved in designing IT and business architecture will benefit from completing this course
Participants will learn about a range of topics including: getting the most out of technology; incorporating emerging technologies into redesigning business architecture; increasing sales and competitiveness in the digital age; building creative and dynamic teams using technology; and strategically aligning business and IT models to deliver value to customers.
Professor Kecheng Liu, Head of Business Informatics, Systems & Accounting, who led the initiative, said: “Digital technologies are important tools for today’s successful businesses and this course will provide the background knowledge needed to make the most of new technologies and their benefits. Representatives from both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations and management ranging from CEOs to those involved in designing IT and business architecture will benefit from completing this course.”
The MOOC has been created specifically to suit the online learning environment, whether on PC, mobile or tablet, and consists of a variety of videos, articles, case studies, discussions, quizzes and activities based on participants’ own experiences. Since the course page launched, more than 5,000 participants have already registered to take part. The course educators hope that sharing examples of the role that new technologies plays in participants’ organisations will enable everyone to benefit from other learners’ experiences and reflect on more effective approaches.
For further information, and to register for the MOOC, visit www.futurelearn.com/courses/digital-leadership.