So far, 50 schools have been regionally selected to have an Ultimaker at a discounted price to act as regional hubs for other institutions.
The Cura software provided is open source and free to use with no licence fees.
Ultimaker believe that 3D printing is going to impact many key areas in the future, whether it’s prototyping in manufacturing, bespoke replacement joints in medicine, scaled models in architecture or the latest trend in fashion, 3D printing is integral to learning and development and changes the game in design realization!
Ultimaker wants to work with the education community to help drive curriculum development and foster new thinking to keep British & Irish education up-to-date with the best in the world!
To be part of the Ultimaker CREATE education project for schools visit the website:
Or contact Ultimaker GB direct:
T: 0800 7720 257 or 01257 276 116