The conference, which takes place on March 27-28 at the De Vere East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, will discuss key topics such as school improvement and raising standards, meeting technical challenges and e-twinning.
Alongside the keynote sessions, and Naace Impact Awards presentations, you’ll be able to network at their NaaceShare – their brand new ‘teachmeet-style’ event and discover top new products at their exhibition.
The conference will discuss:
✥ Is outstanding teaching possible without good use of technology?
✥ What does a school need to put in place to enable all the teachers to be outstanding?
✥ Is the ‘flipping’ of learning something every school should be working on, enabling pupils to extend learning and time in school to be used more productively?
✥ Does proper demonstration of progression and achievement require online access to pupils’ work and teachers’ records?
✥ How can schools best capitalise on the communication, collaboration and access to learning opened up by the internet?
To complement their keynote speakers, Naace have got an excellent range of breakout sessions, including:
✥ iPads for learning – the planning, pitfalls and processes and 18 months of 1:1 use, the impact and what to do next.
✥ How to be prepared for the 2014 computer curriculum.
✥ Safe and responsible use: current e-safety and going beyond e-safety.
✥ Teacher role in the blended classroom, or when 1+1 is bigger than 2 – sponsored by Itslearning UK.
✥ Leading your school to the 3rd Millennium Learning Award.
✥ Translating learner voice.
✥ Flipped learning.
✥ Ideas for fun with code (or meta-algorithmics if you prefer long words) – session sponsored by AQA.
✥ Introducing new technology to teachers and other extreme sports.
✥ The national curriculum in computing – past imperfect, present tense and future conditional.
✥ Quad-blogging
✥ Making the most of IT in the primary curriculum – the key skills you need and implementing the technology – sponsored by AQA.
✥ Making digital tools work for learners.
✥ Digital Leaders Academy.
✥ Effective use of SIMS.
✥ Adding a strand of computing science into ICT/computing – sponsored by Rising Stars.
Every school leader, and every teacher in all subjects, needs to know the answers to the questions raised at the conference. If you want to advance education, this is the conference to advance your understanding of how best to do it.
To book:
About Naace
Naace is the National Association for those who wish to advance education through the use of technology, more than just computing. Naace is a community of schools, teachers, those who work in schools and the education technology industry who share a vision for the role of technology in improving and transforming learning and teaching.
As a professional association, Naace represent the voice of the UK education technology community in the schools sector at a national and international level, as well as supporting one another across the sector through conferences, courses and the dissemination of resources, research and reflection.
The association plays a key role in both members’ professional development, through the challenge and support of a community of practice, and the development of the profession as a whole, through the sharing of innovation and expertise.