Universities face unique facilities management challenges due to the size, number and diversity of building use and occupancy in a typical portfolio.
Providing a safe environment for staff and students to flourish is of paramount importance, but can be difficult to achieve in the face of financial challenges.
ZetaSafe has tailored solutions for universities to ensure total compliance with statutory requirements, identifying opportunities for cost savings by reducing wasted efforts and resources where risks are low and focusing where risks are elevated.
Accurately and efficiently collect, manage and share business critical compliance data – through the use of cloud and mobile technologies.
ZetaSafe puts you in complete control of your statutory and preventative maintenance management.
ZetaSafe also arms many major service providers with the platform they need to meet the safety, compliance and asset productivity needs of their clients, as well as their own performance and compliance management.
ZetaSafe is flexible and can be used to manage ANY checks required by your internal standards, government legislation or industry best practice. Compliance areas ZetaSafe is often used to manage include:
– Water Hygiene / Legionella
– Fire Safety
– Emergency Lighting
– Lifts & Lifting
– Air Handling Units
– Window Restrictors
– Vehicle Checking
– Room Inspections
– Gas & Electrical
– Pest Control
– Facilities Management PPM
Why choose ZetaSafe for universities?
Peace of mind for ‘Responsible Executives’
Comply with SFG20, HSG274, Regulatory Reform Order 2005
Streamline operations & enhance efficiencies
Financial and environmental benefits from maintaining your assets in an optimum condition.
Customise to meet your specific needs
Configure ZetaSafe to collect, manage and share all types of business critical data.
Direct integration with Qube Planet FM
Use ZetaSafe compliance software independently or alongside many CAFM, Property, FM & PPM systems.
AUE Main Sponsor
ZetaSafe is delighted to be one of the main sponsors of the AUE (Association of University Engineers) 2018 annual conference.
ZetaSafe Offer
Take advantage of ZetaSafe’s ‘New Academic Year Offer’ (Ts & Cs apply) giving you 40% discount off starter licence packages. Visit www.zetasafe.com/edu-offer
T: 01327 317950
W: www.zetasafe.com