Siemens has a long-standing association with many of the world’s leading universities. Collaboration with universities ranges from joint research programmes to development of new qualifications to meet future demands, to providing industry placements as an integral part of education programmes.
The aim of the Siemens Technology Day was to showcase the University’s expertise and facilities and identify possible new connections and relationships between the University and senior staff at Siemens.
At the event, 30 directors and lead technology staff from Siemens met with academics to share their requirements, learn about the capabilities of the University and explore potential collaborations in the core Siemens areas of Energy, Industry, Healthcare and Mobility.
University research groups provided Siemens with an understanding of some of the key research themes that may be of interest to them, including additive manufacturing, applied optics, energy storage, future grids, materials, medical imaging, power electronics and several other areas.
In the afternoon, the groups from Siemens were given tours of some the University’s world-leading facilities including the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (including Additive Manufacturing labs), Power Electronics Machines and Control labs and the Energy Technology Building and Creative Energy Homes.
Speaking about the partnership with The University of Nottingham, Kevin Tutton, Head of Operational Services, Smart Grid Division said: ‘Siemens has a very long heritage of innovation in the UK, which has helped to make us one of the country’s leading engineering companies.
“We look forward to strengthening our relationship with the University and working together on projects that will help keep the UK at the forefront of technology innovation.’