Teachers invited for Phish ‘N’ Chips at CAS Conference

Phish ‘N’ Chips, cyber security CPD, and making music with your micro:bit, it’s this year’s Computing At School (CAS) conference

CAS, which is supported by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, is holding this year’s conference at the University of Birmingham on Saturday 18 June. 

“Packed full of ideas, useful advice and information, the CAS Conference aims to help bring computer science to life in the classroom,” said CAS National Coordinator, Simon Humphreys.

“The event is an ideal opportunity to find out about the range of resources and support available to computer science teachers. It will hopefully provide inspiration and help you breathe more life into your lessons, find dynamic resources to engage your pupils and enhance your own skills.”

Guest speaker Conrad Wolfram, a prominent proponent of ‘Computer-Based Math‘- a reform of mathematics education to make greater use of information technology and founder of www.computerbasedmath.org, will present arguments for the connections between Maths and Computing and the relevance for all classrooms.

Packed full of ideas, useful advice and information, the CAS Conference aims to help bring computer science to life in the classroom

Also speaking is David J. Malan – professor of Computer Science at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. David will provide a hands-on taste of some memorable moments from Computer Science 50, otherwise known as CS50, which he teaches. CS50 is Harvard University’s largest course, Yale University’s largest course, and edX’s largest MOOC.

The conference will include a number of plenary sessions, over 40 different workshops, the opportunity to network and take home practical examples of lessons and other resources that can be used in the classroom. 

There will also be presentations and workshops from CAS Master Teachers and other experienced practitioners keen to share their knowledge and understanding.

To find out more and to register your place at the CAS annual national conference in Birmingham on Sat 18 June visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2016-national-cas-conference-for-teachers-of-computing-registration-24480090610

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