In this month’s UB, we examine the latest technologies on-hand to aid administration operations on campus.
We also look at some of the best functional living and learning spaces catering to student needs.
This month, the spotlight is on Coventry. We take a look at just how far the University has come since it was once known as ‘Lanchester Polytechnic.’
And if that wasn’t enough, we also highlight how MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are measuring up across UK HE.
Every issue of UB is packed with the latest news including:
*Campus services and new developments

*People and appointments
*Key association updates
*Opinions and views

*HE catering

*Education technology

*Events and diary
Click here to read the latest version for free.
University Business magazine focuses on the entire business of higher education. Every month, the magazine is delivered to more than 16,000 key decision makers including vice-chancellors, finance directors and procurement managers.
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