UCL Educate has announced that it will be the national partner for the Global Edtech Startup Awards (GESAwards), run by Israeli innovation centre MindCET.
The GESAwards was set up five years ago, and is a joint venture between partners from six continents, involving 17 edtech clusters with a network of more than 2,500 companies.
Professor Rose Luckin, director of UCL Educate, said: “We are all working towards a common purpose – to maximise the benefits of learning for millions and to help educators be more effective. For the first time ever, we have the ability, potentially, to ensure every person in the world is educated. We have a collective responsibility to work towards that shared aim.”
GESAwards also helps to build and develop local edtech ecosystems and facilitates the flow of edtech investments to alternative markets.
For the first time ever, we have the ability, potentially, to ensure every person in the world is educated. We have a collective responsibility to work towards that shared aim.
– Professor Rose Luckin, UCL Educate
Avi Warshavsky, founder of the GESAwards, said: “From day one, UCL Educate has stribed to reach the same objective of enabling startups to gain global credibility and visibility into a global scenario.
“The founder, Professor Rose Luckin, has been a partner of MindCET for years, and both organisations strongly believe that only with alliances between edtech ventures can we help the global edtech ecosystem to promote innovation in education in a way that will meet the needs of the digital learner.”
UCL Educate will host the UK semifinals in London on September 16, and will include a pitch session in front of judges, a keynote speech, and panel discussion. The deadline for applications is July 31.
Global finals will take place in London in January 2020.
For more information about the event and to register, visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/educate-presents-gesawards-uk-semi-finals-tickets-62971587714