Women in STEM Conference 2018

Preview: This year’s conference takes place on May 22 in central London, celebrating the role of women in STEM

Despite the great strides made in tackling gender equality across the employment sector, it is still apparent that women remain an underrepresented demographic within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

According to the UNESCO 2017 ‘Women in Science’ paper, women represent less than 30% of researchers globally. The Women’s Engineering Society also disclosed that only 15% of engineering and technology undergraduates are female, with women accounting for only 9% of the UK’s engineering workforce. 

These findings point to the challenges in the education system in ensuring the participation of women across STEM. As such, it is imperative that employers and education providers develop a strategic response which can diversify educational paths and increase the availability of high quality STEM careers. 

With this in mind, this year’s highly anticipated Women in STEM Conference takes place on the 22nd of Mayin Central London. With Microsoft, STEM Learning and the Women’s Engineering Societyat the forefront of discussions, this will serve as an invaluable opportunity for you to assess how to deliver successful strategies which can enhance the participation, recruitment and advancement of women in STEM.  

This year, we will be providing a wider platform to meet, network and engage with education and employment leaders, and hear from a variety of STEM experts including:

– The Next Steps in Securing Gender Balance in STEM

  • Sarah Hedley, UK National Skills Lead, Microsoft

– Expanding the Impact and Progression of Women in STEM – An Industry Perspective

  • Professor Veronica van Heyningen CBE, Member of the Royal Society Diversity Committee, The Royal Society

– Widening Access for Women to Study and Work at the Highest Levels of STEM


This is a valuable opportunity to receive the latest updates and best practice from leading minds across the STEM landscape, so that you can deliver a strategy which maximises high quality career outcomes and closes the gender gap for women in STEM.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Free live webinar & QA

The digital difference - Build a culture of reading with ebooks & audiobooks

Free Education Webinar with OverDrive

Friday, June 24, 2PM London BST

In this webinar, hear from Havant Academy Librarian Joanna Parsons to learn how she uses ebooks and audiobooks to help boost reading among her secondary students.