Kuato Studios, a developer and publisher of children’s learning games, has teamed up with a charity to help make children’s stay in hospital that little bit more bearable.
As ‘Well-Beings: Wellness for Kids’ launches on Nintendo Switch, the UK edtech company will donate all the developer proceeds to Starlight, the charity using play to support hospitalised young folk.
Developed in collaboration with a child development expert, the game boasts more than 100 activities designed to help children of primary school age better able understand and articulate their feelings and emotions.
“The past two years have been particularly difficult for young children for whom several lockdowns have meant major disruption to their education, as well as isolation from their friends and family,” said Mark Horneff, CEO at Kuato Studios.
The release trailer for ‘Well-Beings: Wellness for Kids’
“However,” he added, “the pandemic has been even harder on the thousands of children in hospital. An illness can be incredibly isolating for children and long periods spent in hospital when diagnosed young can significantly disrupt their emotional growth.
“We wanted to play our part in improving children’s lives no matter their predicament and we are honoured to be partnering with Starlight to do this. Our donations, through our ‘Well-Beings: Wellness for Kids’ game, will help seriously ill children and their families through this challenging season.”
As well as offering ‘boost boxes’ and ‘distraction boxes’ to children in hospital, Starlight also arranges for actors and storytellers to stage ward-based shows, and arranges fun days out with families.
The charity’s director of fundraising and communications is Sarah Woods.
“We are proud to be chosen as Kuato Studios’ charity partner for ‘Well-Beings: Wellness for Kids’ game, a company which is so aligned with what the charity is here to do: improve children’s wellbeing through play,” she said.
“Money raised through the proceeds of the game will help to ensure that Starlight can continue to provide the time, space and opportunities for vital play in hospitals for seriously ill children.”
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