A brand-new computer game from energy customer service company Zenergi aims to educate future consumers about sustainable energy cycles and sources.
Designed to inform young people about the climate crisis, the just launched browser-based game is now (March 2021) available to schools, colleges and parents across the UK – and players can access the educational content completely free of charge. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the game can be played both at home and in school.
Climate Crisis – The Game introduces users to a virtual community where they become part of the green revolution. Here, players can make improvements that reduce the community’s climate impact while simultaneously boosting the happiness of residents. Players have until the year 2050 – when time runs out and the game comes to an end – to achieve optimum levels.
CEO of Zenergi, Graham Cooke, commented: “We work with our customers to practically reduce their journey to carbon zero, but it’s today’s children – the energy users of tomorrow – that not only understand the crisis we’re in, but really want to affect change. We hope that many children will enjoy playing our game whilst learning along the way.”
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