PC gone mad: teachers say ‘no’ to laptops

A new survey has revealed that, in the classroom, teachers much prefer desktop PCs over laptop devices

A survey by online retailer Ebuyer has revealed that teachers favour desktop PCs in their classroom over generally more portable laptop devices.

According to their findings from a series of polls, 63% of teachers much prefer the overall reliability and value of a PC.

“Desktop computers are definitely the most popular option amongst teachers I work with,” said Julie Hopper, a Year 6 teacher from York.

“Not only are they reliable and good value, but actually having a keyboard and mouse is much easier when you’re in the classroom environment. They give greater flexibility and larger screens can help when teaching bigger, socially-distanced groups.”

However, it seems that the opinion of students could be the opposite, with 66% of those surveyed claiming they felt more comfortable using a laptop – but it’s worth noting that students’ needs differ greatly to classroom leaders.

“Young children are used to using laptops and prefer to work on those, however, they love having a mouse and being able to see their work on larger screens, which desktop PCs can provide,” added Hopper.

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“With desktop PCs now lighter and much more compact, they don’t take up much space in the classroom, which is another plus.”

Ebuyer product manager, Caroline Lister, commented: “People are finally catching on to the fact that the mini/nano PCs and AIOs (All-in-Ones) are arguably more portable than laptops.

“And with laptops now in short supply and prices getting out of control, desktop PCs are a more efficient and cost-effective solution for schools looking to upgrade their computers.”

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