The Best Connectivity Options To Support Cloud Migration

The increased use of cloud services is seeing some school internet connections straining under the pressure, impacting performance, hindering academic progress and causing frustrations in day-to-day back-office operations. However, the introduction of Ultrafast Broadband is set to transform digital transition opportunities for schools, providing affordable bandwidth capabilities to allow a full migration of all school services to the cloud.

For some time it has been the DfE’s aim for all schools to access a modern broadband infrastructure to support schools’ much-needed move to the cloud. After all, cloud services are proven to provide greater efficiencies in both operational and financial areas of school management, they’re more secure, cost less to run and provide an essential platform for newer teaching strategies demanded by the digital age.

A good broadband connection is widely acknowledged now to be the fourth essential utility; particularly in schools where cloud services support vital back-office functions, where there is an increased reliance on digital teaching and where more cost-effective internet or VoIP phone services have been adopted.

Reaching broadband capacity

A recent survey commissioned by BESA showed over a quarter of all primary schools and a third of secondary schools will be reviewing a move to cloud-based systems. However, without the right bandwidth, extra pressures on school internet connections will result in slow, frustrating broadband. Schools will need bigger and better bandwidth capabilities to support the successful adoption of cloud services but, budget constraints as they are, will require schools to do their homework before choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) who can meet their demands without breaking the bank.

What is the comparative cost of Ultrafast Broadband?

Until now, the cost of broadband speeds required to support the heavy demands of multiple cloud services has been prohibitive for most schools and tantalisingly out of reach for others. A brand-new suite of technologies, however, Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) and G.Fast, known as Ultrafast Broadband, is sweeping its way across the country, providing extraordinary bandwidth and connection speeds at very affordable prices.

Ultrafast technology is already proving to be a game-changer for Schools Broadband customers, with FTTP connections providing up to 1000Mbps (1Gbps) for around the same price or sometimes less than a 100Mbps Leased Line. A staggering 10-fold increase in speeds for less than the cost of a 100Mbps leased line.

What will an Ultrafast connection support?

For schools looking to upgrade their broadband who need to improve their management systems and edtech, or who are considering a migration to cloud services, ultrafast broadband provides an affordable connection choice that can deliver schools the faster speeds required now and unimaginable speeds the future might demand. Ultrafast connections are also a wise choice for backup lines for schools with a leased line connection.

Allowing full deployment of one-to-one devices throughout a whole school, whatever its size, an Ultrafast connection provides enough bandwidth to support a full migration of all school services to the cloud. Ultrafast FTTP uses full fibre connectivity direct to school premises.

The roll-out of Ultrafast Broadband is well underway with an already well-established network. The technology is being installed at a rapid pace with availability increasing daily.

Check Ultrafast Broadband Availability
Call Schools Broadband: 01133 222 333 or request an AVAILABILITY CHECK

If FTTP is not yet available in your area, please check with Schools Broadband as alternative Ultrafast technologies such as G.Fast, delivering 350Mbps may be available. Schools Broadband is also offering free upgrades to FTTP for their customers as soon as it becomes available.

How does Ultrafast work?

Unlike a traditional FTTC connection, where fibre connections run only as far as the street cabinet, FTTP, or Fibre to the Premises, uses full fibre connecting directly to your school. This provides Ultrafast speeds up to 1,000Mbps (otherwise known as one Gigabit per second (1Gbps).

G.Fast, another of the new Ultrafast technologies works in a very similar way to FTTC with fibre terminating at the local BT street cabinet and copper running from there to your school. A special pod fitted to the side of the cabinet alters the speed frequencies of the copper connection. This increases the speed through the copper cable, resulting in a more reliable broadband with ultrafast speeds up to 330Mbps.

Specialist Internet Services for Education

Schools Broadband is a specialist Internet Service Provider to the education sector, specialising in Education Specific Web Filtering and Online safeguarding, Network Security, VoIP phone services and Secure Private Wide Area Networks for Multi Academy Trusts. Schools Broadband also provides secure 10Gbps Leased Lines, FTTC and EoFTTC.

Contact Schools Broadband: 01133 222 333

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