English Mastery, an online programme of support for teachers, has received the overwhelming backing of its users, says a report published today (29 April).
Eighty-one percent of teachers would recommend the programme to other schools, according to new findings from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
Four out of five also claimed that it reduced their workload with planning and marking.
Aimed at key stage three educators, English Mastery helps teach pupils improved grammar and syntax understanding, close the word attainment gap with a focus on tier-two words, and use norm-referenced assessments to accurately gauge progress.
The online nature of the programme, delivered by Ark Curriculum Plus, also means that teachers across the country are able to collaborate on learning materials.
“It is wonderful to know that teachers believe that English Mastery is having an impact on their students’ attainment and enjoyment of English,” said Nick Wallace, head of secondary English, Ark Curriculum Plus.
“I’m especially pleased to see that teachers feel that English Mastery supports their workload – an enormous achievement with the challenges facing the sector.”
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A total of 97 schools across England participated in the project, which ran from September 2019 to July 2021. When Covid-19 closed the schools, well over 90% reported turning to English Mastery to support home learning.
Respondents to EEF’s survey felt English Mastery had helped their students improve in several areas compared with previous cohorts:
- 75% of teachers said overall progress improved
- 68% reported improved writing skills
- 63% claimed engagement in English lesson was stronger
- 63% teachers reported improvement in reading skills
- 74% teachers said grammar skills were strengthened
In terms of lesson giving, 61% said their skills in teaching literary classics had improved, while 57% reported improvement in their teaching of key stage 3 English.
EEF – established in 2011 by the Sutton Trust – has reselected English Mastery to undertake a second randomised controlled trial, with funding via the DfE Accelerator Fund.
A total of 120 schools will be recruited for the trial, with interested parties invited to sign up here.