Preparing for Ofsted – is your curriculum ready?

In this live discussion, our expert panel outlined how school leaders, and curriculum or subject leaders from Primary and Secondary schools and MATs can be Ofsted-ready at their institutions.

We discussed:

  • Ofsted’s quality of education judgement: curriculum intent, implementation and impact
  • Ofsted’s deep dive methodology and what it means for schools
  • What are the common challenges that schools and MATs are facing when it comes to curriculum design and delivery?
  • The impact an inspection can have for staff across the school
  • What the process of creating a coherent, sequential curriculum in preparation for inspection actually looks like for leaders now

Are you ready for an Ofsted Inspection’s Deep Dive into reading, writing or foundation subjects in your school? If not, Juniper’s educational advisers have courses ready to prepare SLT and subject leaders.

For more information and booking please visit and search ‘deep dive’.


Anna Gregory, Director of Curriculum, Juniper Education

After over 20 years in the primary sector, both as a teacher and senior leader, Anna Gregory set up her own business as an educational consultant. She spent 5 years training schools in grammar, writing and curriculum design. During this time, she also delivered training in ITT/SCITT settings and a number of teaching schools. In 2016, whilst working as a teaching and learning coach, she began to develop The Concentric Curriculum, now Sonar Curriculum, an online curriculum design solution for the primary sector.

Di Raftery, Headteacher, Five Spires Primary School

Diane Raftery has spent 12 years in primary education. She has worked in a variety of schools as a leader specialising in English and training in spelling and grammar. More recently she has worked as a Head Teacher and Executive Head Teacher in Staffordshire and has a particular interest in curriculum design.

Andrew Riches, Former CEO of LEAP Multi- Academy Trust and now Educational Advisor at Engaging Education

Andrew’s educational philosophy is based on his teaching and leadership experience in a range of schools and a deeply held conviction that all children matter. His desire to do the very best for every child as an individual has been at the heart of his approach throughout his career. Andrew has a wealth and breath of leadership experience and a deep understanding of the educational landscape. He has worked in a range of settings and has supported schools in challenging circumstances. He has been a Headteacher as well as a CEO, overseeing the expansion of a large Multi Academy Trust and currently works as a consultant and as an advisor for a leading education creative marketing agency.

Anna and Di mentioned the Sonar Curriculum design tool from Juniper Education in the discussion.

This digital platform can support you with designing a broad and balanced primary curriculum, quality-assuring your current provision or with organising, presenting and storing your curriculum in one place for a whole-school joined-up approach. Sonar Curriculum will help to reduce workload and ensure you’re delivering a coherent and sequential curriculum.

If you’d like more information please visit Sonar here:

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Our solutions and services include pupil assessment trackers, a cloud-based management information system, software and services for HR, payroll, governance and risk, school website design solutions and learning resources and support for school libraries.

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Free live webinar & QA

Blended learning – Did we forget about the students?

Free Education Webinar with Class

Wednesday, June 15, 11AM London BST

Join our expert panel as we look at what blended learning means in 2022 and how universities can meet the needs of ever more diverse student expectations.